The Brain Prize

Elisabeth Tournier-Lasserve

Elisabeth Tournier-Lasserve

Professor and director
Paris-Diderot University and Lariboisière Hospital

Elisabeth Tournier-Lasserve is Professor of Medical Genetics at Paris-Diderot University; Director of the Genetics of Neurovascular diseases Department at Lariboisière Hospital, APHP, and Director of the GenMedStroke team at Paris Diderot University-INSERM U1141 Research Lab, France.

Her main research focus is to decipher the molecular players involved in hereditary cerebrovascular diseases with the goal of developing diagnostic tools for these conditions to improve clinical care and genetic counselling for patients and to set the stage for understanding their mechanisms. After the identification of NOTCH3, the gene involved in CADASIL, her team identified several other genes involved in cerebral small vessel diseases and cerebral cavernous (CCM) malformations. They also developed highly relevant CCM mouse models currently used for preclinical trials. She is currently deciphering of this highly heterogeneous group of disorders, tackling recently a very mysterious disease called moyamoya.

Brain Prize winner of 2019 for their groundbreaking research on the clinical, genetic, cellular and molecular basis of a brain syndrome, known as CADASIL

The Brain Prize 2019 is also awarded to:

Elisabeth Tournier-Lasserve