
Scientific Area

Science Engagement and Communication

Important Dates

October 9, 2024 - CET 13:00


Portræt af Anette Høye

Senior Scientific Programme Manager


+45 5170 0615

Science Engagement and Communication (SEC)

Open Calls

The Lundbeck Foundation wishes to strengthen the dissemination and engagement of research-based knowledge within society, with focus on neuroscience, the brain and brain related disorders.

The purpose of the Science Engagement and Communication Call is therefore two-fold:

  • To support projects that inspire and engage young people to focus on science, particularly neuroscience, as a career  
  • To communicate knowledge about the brain and brain disorders to the public

The Lundbeck Foundation therefore welcomes applications for SEC projects that aim to:

  • help promote better understanding of the brain and the nervous system
  • help promote better understanding of brain disorders and their consequences
  • inform and reduce stigma related to the brain and disorders of the brain   
  • elucidate the conditions of health research
  • engage people in neuroscience
  • recruit and keep talent in biomedical and health science, in particular in neuroscience related disciplines (e.g. psychiatry)
Shifting the focus from education to engagement

To learn and to inspire we believe education should be inclusive and encourage active participation.

In this call we welcome engagement projects targeting higher education. It is expected that the projects will describe how the students/ participants will be actively involved in the project applied for, and the scalability of the project.

Applications from e.g., patient organisations or researchers that wish to engage the public in neuroscience and health related matters order to make lasting changes are also welcome.

Communication projects

Communication projects come in many shapes and forms depending on their purpose and target audience.

For example, we support: knowledge sharing, exhibitions, festivals, podcasts, lectures, documentaries, TV-series, explainers, and many, many more.

Who can apply?

Applicants and co-applicants must have relevant experience for the proposed project and the project must be based in Denmark.

The main applicant can only apply once per year. 
You can apply for up to an additional 10% of the total project costs related to external evaluation of the project.

You cannot apply for funding of projects or events that have been held before the expected approval of grants.

What is out of scope for this call:

  • Participation or costs related to international science competitions or courses
  • Costs related to conference travel and/or exchange (LF discontinued Travel Grants in 2020)
  • Dissemination of (funded) projects outside Denmark
  • Pure translation projects
  • General primary prevention, mental health and well-being projects without a neuroscience aspect

 How to apply?

You must submit your application, written in Danish or English, via the Lundbeck Foundation’s application system (LANAS). The choice of language will not affect the evaluation. Any material submitted after the deadline will not be taken into consideration.

Your application should include the following:

  • Purpose and aim(s)
  • Target group(s)
  • Project description
  • What is the status quo? How does the project differentiate itself from similar projects, if any?
  • The demand and need for the project, and why now?
  • Expected impact and indicators
  • Future anchoring, dissemination and scalability of the project
  • Detailed budget and justification of the same
  • Applicant’s CV
  • Letters of support from the host institution, and/ or other relevant institutions, collaborators, patient groups, teachers’ organizations, etc. Support letters from organizations outside the core project group are encouraged.

Please see the Guide for Applicants and the application form for further requirements and details

You are welcome to contact Scientific Project Manager Anette Høye ( if you have any questions regarding your application.

Evaluation process

The evaluation will be based on (listed in no particular order):

  • Relevance to neuroscience and/or science
  • The choice and involvement of target group in relation to the purpose
  • The demand and need
  • The link between the activity and expected main outcomes
  • The competitive edge, feasibility and possible pitfalls of the project
  • Relevant experience and commitment of applicant
  • Choice and relevance of co-applicants, partners, supporters, etc.
  • How the proposed activities, including measures of success and sharing of learnings, are monitored and evaluated
  • Value for money

Applications will be evaluated by Lundbeck Foundation’s representatives from the Grants & Prizes and Corporate Affairs departments. They make recommendations for funding to the Foundation’s Board of Trustees who takes the final decision.

Important dates in 2024:

There will be four deadlines in 2024.
Applications should be submitted before 13:00 CET on the day of the deadline.

Ordinary call deadlines:                        Expected approval of grants:
January 23                                                medio April
March 21                                                   medio June
June 25                                                     ultimo September
October 9                                                 medio December

What are the grant conditions?

If your application is successful, you will be required to accept Lundbeck Foundation’s General Terms and Conditions for SEC Grants, as well as, potential individual, project-specific amendments, which will be subject to negotiation.

What are the reporting requirements?

If your proposal is successful, you must submit annual reports including finances to the Lundbeck Foundation.

The purpose of the Lundbeck Foundation is to create powerful ripple effects that bring discoveries to lives through investing actively in business and science at the frontiers of their fields.