
Scientific Area

Biomedical, clinical or health science

Career Stage

Scientists under the age of 40

Level of Funding

DKK 1 million (DKK 300,000 as personal award)

Important Dates

Spring 2025


Portræt af Ulla Jakobsen

Senior Grant Manager


+45 2323 0987

Portræt af Anette Høye

Senior Scientific Programme Manager


+45 5170 0615

Peter Thostrup

Scientific Programme Director - Open Programmes


+45 3059 4943

Young Investigator Prize

Upcoming Calls

With this prize, The Lundbeck Foundation seeks to celebrate young scientists who have contributed significantly to the advancement of science resulting in a better understanding, or improvement, of health and biomedical sciences in the broadest sense.


The LF Young Investigator Prize is awarded to a scientist under the age of 40 (rules for leave of absence apply*).
The Lundbeck Foundation believes that diversity strengthens science, and it is therefore important that we receive nominations for as many qualified nominees as possible, from all backgrounds.

The Prize

The prize is DKK 1.000.000. The amount is split between a personal prize of DKK 300.000 and DKK 700.000 for research activities.

Who can nominate?

Nominations are accepted from leading scientists (group leaders) at Danish universities, hospitals, or other research institutions. A candidate cannot self-nominate. 
Diversity is important to The Lundbeck Foundation. Therefore, we encourage the nominators to be aware of all talents. Individual research institutions and units are encouraged to nominate more than one candidate, where we strongly encourage and expect diversity among the nominees.

Who can be nominated?

Scientists under 40* (the nomination deadline is the cut-off date). Note rules for leave of absence apply.

The nominee must be working with scientific research that contributes to a better understanding or improvement of health and biomedical sciences in the broadest sense. The bulk of the research described in the nomination should be conducted in Denmark.

The recipient of the LF Young Investigator Prize must be conducting research at a Danish research institution at the time of the award. Previous nominees may be re-nominated if they still meet the criteria.

The nomination should include:

  • A statement (max 5000 characters) describing the impact of the nominee’s talent and the nominee’s main scientific contributions to her/his field and potential societal impact thereof. Specifically, the statement should be focused on the research activities of the nominee and include several examples of the nominee’s original scientific achievement(s) (e.g. scientific articles, developing a method or model, creating a novel tool that helps patients etc.)
    Nominators are also welcome to include examples of how the nominee disseminate her/ his research, the nominee’s responsibilities outside the laboratory, the nominee’s involvement in professional organizations or entrepreneurship and the like, or if the nominee has used scientific insight to bring discoveries to lives.
  • Short CV for the nominee (max 5.000 characters)
  • Publication list for the nominee (no H-index or citation analysis) 

How to nominate?

You must submit the nomination, written in English, via the Lundbeck Foundation’s nomination and application system. Please note that the Foundation will not consider or assess any nomination material not submitted via the system. 
Further details can be found in the nomination guide on the nomination form.

You are welcome to contact Senior Grant Manager Ulla Jakobsen (, Scientific Project Manager Anette Høye (, or Scientific Programme Director Peter Thostrup ( if you have any questions regarding the nomination process.

Evaluation process

All nominations are scanned for eligibility by the Foundation’s Grants & Prizes Department. 
The Research and Prize Committee will review and score the nominations and make a recommendation to the Foundation’s Board of Directors.

Prior to involvement of the panel, the panel members are initially presented with a list of nominees allowing them to declare conflicts of interest, if any. Each nomination is reviewed by all panel members.

Each panel member submits scores and comments for each of the nominations to the Foundation without seeing other panel members’ scores and comments. Next, the panel will have access to all scores and comments to prepare for discussions at joint panel meeting. Here, nominations with the lowest average scores and nominations receiving at least one score of 1, will be discussed. Lastly, the panel will recommend a nominee to the Foundation’s Board of Directors for approval.

Previous recipients of the LF Young Investigator Prize.

Key dates

Call for nominations opens: March 27, 2024

Deadline for nomination: June 25, 2024 - 13:00 CET

Expected announcement of winner: September 2024

*The age of nominees who have taken maternity or paternity leave will be reduced by the actual number of weeks of leave multiplied by 1.5. In the case of illness or family care leave, the exact period will be deducted from the age. The start and end dates of the maternity or paternity leave, or other leave periods, must be stated in the nominee’s CV. The age of nominees who have taken leave from research for their clinical postgraduate education (Klinisk Basisuddannelse) will be reduced by 12 months.