
Jan Zylicz

Embryo and its environment: how metabolism shapes epigenome for development and life after birth?

Associate Professor
University of Copenhagen

Lundbeck Foundation Fellow 2021: Jan Zylicz, associate professor, NNF Center for Stem Cell Biology, University of Copenhagen.

The foetus and its immediate environment

How is a foetus affected by its environment – and how does this environment affect the life it will live after birth?

Jan Zylicz – 35, associate professor at the NNF Center for Stem Cell Biology, University of Copenhagen – will use his Lundbeck Foundation Fellowship to establish a research group to address this question.

Among other things, the project will study the impact of the environment on foetal development after in vitro fertilisation, IVF.

Jan Zylicz and his research group will investigate how an artificial environment such as IVF affects development at the foetal stage. However, they will also consider other factors such as how the foetus is affected if the pregnant woman has untreated diabetes.

The studies are based on stem cell models.

Jan Zylicz is receiving a grant worth DKK 10 million.

Fellows 2021 Jan Zylicz