
Per Borghammer

Interdisciplinary studies of Lewy Body disorders – one disease or many

Clinical Professor
Aarhus University

Has been awarded a Lundbeck Foundation LF Professorships research grant worth DKK 29,984,865.

Per Borghammer, clinical professor, Nuclear Medicine and PET, Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University.

Professor Borghammer’s research focuses on the neurodegenerative disease Parkinson's as well as other Parkinson's-like disorders. One of the key aspects of his research is the question of where Parkinson's originates. Professor Borghammer’s hypothesis is that the disease either begins in the brain and works its way out from there into the body, or it begins in the digestive system and works its way up into the brain. His project will incorporate a wide range of studies, including PET scans of patients, sleep research, analyses of urine and faeces, and studies of the brains of deceased individuals.

Professor Per Borghammer