
Tiit Mathiesen

Personalized Meningioma Management

Clinical Professor

Has received a Lundbeck Foundation LF Professorships research grant worth DKK 14,851,880.

Tiit Mathiesen, clinical professor of neurosurgery, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen.

Professor Mathiesen specialises in the treatment of meningioma, the most common form of brain tumour. These occur in the meninges – the tissue surrounding the brain – and are usually benign. Meningiomas can also appear around the spinal cord. Once the tumour has been surgically removed, a new, benign tumour will often appear 10–12 years later, accompanied by a range of problems such as epileptic seizures and psychiatric symptoms. With his project, Professor Mathiesen will seek novel insights into the genetics underlying meningiomas and whether there are any correlations between inflammatory conditions and psychiatric symptoms.

Tiit Mathiesen_Neuroloisk afd. Rigshospitalet