Strategy and Purpose

Pink Brain in Focus.svg

The Lundbeck Foundation's 2030-strategy

Over the next ten years we will double our regular grants for research in Denmark, develop a clearer, more strategic focus on the brain, broaden our portfolio of long-term ownerships in the field of healthcare and launch specific initiatives to stimulate collaboration between research and the business sector.
Lene Skole, CEO of the Lundbeck Foundation

With its 2030 strategy, “Bringing Discoveries to Lives”, the Lundbeck Foundation prepares the ground for a doubling of the Foundation’s wealth to provide the means to double its grants. The strategy is based on the Foundation’s purpose and statutes and describes how the Lundbeck Foundation aims to add value up to 2030.


The strategy applies to all Lundbeck Foundation activities. It states that we will strive to achieve the following by 2030:
  • To make Denmark a frontrunner in the field of neuroscience by funding Danish-based research that promotes a better understanding of the brain and better prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of brain disorders.
  • To improve the interaction between universities, hospitals, and businesses by investing in talented researchers, entrepreneurs, and innovation.
  • To develop healthcare businesses and help them become global leaders by taking on the role of a competent and engaged owner.
  • To generate attractive financial returns in order to fund our increasing grant portfolio and to ensure the Foundation’s long-term economic robustness and growth.
  • To become an active voice in public debate so that we can contribute to the development and internationalisation of Danish health research and business culture and broaden society’s understanding of the brain and its diseases.

Read about the Lundbeck Foundation's strategy: Bringing Discoveries to Lives.



Why focus on the brain?

The Lundbeck Foundation's sharp focus on brain and brain research is intrinsically linked to the astronomical cost of brain disorders to society.

New research conducted at Aarhus University shows that brain disorders affect one in five Danes, and the direct and indirect costs associated with these disorders amount to more than DKK 100 billion a year. What’s more, the human cost paid by both patients and their relatives is immense.

Report about our costs for brain research (2020)



Our purpose

The purpose of the Lundbeck Foundation is important for the foundation's identity and cohesion. Our purpose forms a common frame of reference for the foundation's activities and employees and helps us focus on creating better results.

We create powerful ripple effects that bring discoveries to lives through investing actively in business and science at the frontiers of their fields.

The Lundbeck Foundation's purpose

Our purpose is the foundation for our strategy, with concrete, ambitious goals towards 2030. The meanings of our words and expressions are outlined below.

To create powerful ripple effects…

We set ripples in motion through our activities, leading to great successes, results, and breakthroughs for the benefit of society.

Powerful ripples meet up, connect, and influence each other; they create synergies leading to new discoveries. They enable us to punch above our weight.

that bring discoveries to lives…

The ripple effects will foster discoveries – new science, new knowledge, new ways of doing business, and new ways of thinking. Discoveries reach across borders, technologies, universities, companies, and research fields calling for us to exercise a global outlook with an open mind.

It is important that the discoveries are brought to lives – not just brought to life in the classic sense, but to people’s lives – and that they make these lives better.

through investing actively in business and science…

Investing is at the core of what we do as a foundation. We invest actively in innovative people, profitable companies, projects, and ideas with the aim of creating environments that will lead to extraordinary results.

Business and science encompass financial and strategic investments as well as the research and researchers we choose to fund.

We take a proactive approach to demonstrate our involvement. We build on our insights and network and take pride in challenging the environments we invest in.

at the frontiers of their fields

We want the business and science we invest in to be constantly pushing the boundaries to discover the solutions of tomorrow. They are driven by the aspiration to be leading within their fields, looking for new ideas and approaches, and exploring new technologies and opportunities.