Active public voice

We work proactively with our three main agendas

Active voice.svg

At the Lundbeck Foundation, we believe in transparency and that clarity about what we want to do and why makes us a better partner and social stakeholder. Our communication is built on fact-based knowledge and insight. We work proactively with three main agendas. Due to our commercial and charitable activities, all three are areas in which the Foundation represents a natural and credible voice in public debate. The three agendas are:

Brain health

The Lundbeck Foundation's basic view is that Denmark should invest more resources in producing new knowledge about the healthy brain and brain disorders alike. This knowledge should be communicated broadly to the Danish public in order to improve the individual Danish person’s ability to take responsibility for their own brain health and to understand what it means to live with a brain disorder. More knowledge and information will pave the way for prevention and well-being, help destigmatise patients with brain disorders and gear the Danish welfare state for the future.  All of these are key issues for the Lundbeck Foundation.

Published about brain health
01.06.2022 Lundbeckfonden: Dansk forskning skal prioritere hjernesygdomme - Altinget: Forskning (in Danish)Altinget Forskning




Conditions for research

The agenda regarding conditions for research covers issues such as funding for research, research talents and talent development, internationalisation and collaboration between different institutions. The Lundbeck Foundation's basic view is that Denmark's research culture needs to develop, to become more diverse, global, based on strong partnerships – both local and international – and founded on good and transparent management of funds.

It is the Lundbeck Foundation's opinion that good biomedical sciences research has great potential and could, for example, lead to new and better therapies for the benefit of the general public. For these reasons, the Foundation’s interests include both basic and applied research. Furthermore, we have a strong interest in clinical/human studies and a desire to stimulate close collaboration between academic research and the business sector.

Published about conditions for research
31.08.2023Internationale talenter støder mod den danske mur (in Danish)Finans
06.07.203The secret behind Denmark’s successBioCentury
09.04.2023Den globale konkurrence kræver risikovillig kapital og innovativ dansk biotek (in Danish)Science Report
30.03.2023Debat | Fonde og Univer­si­teter: Rigide regler koster Danmark værdifulde  forskere og udvikling (in Danish)Børsen
25.01.2023Helt naturligt at nogle forskere får mere end andre (in Danish)Science Report
21.12.2022Her er vores tre juleønsker til den nye forskningsminister (in Danish)Altinget Erhverv
01.11.2022Diversitet er et middel - ikke et mål til at løse fremtidens komplekse problemer (in Danish)Science Report
05.05.2022Debat | Helt central ting mangler i alle erhverv­s­ud­spil – de kloge hoveder, der skal sikre konkur­ren­ce­evnen. Kollerup må på banen (in Danish)Børsen Opinion
26.03.2021Lundbeckfonden: Privatfinansieret forskning har ikke skjulte hensigter (in Danish)Altinget Debat
29.10.2020Lundbeckfonden til politikerne: Lav brede aftaler om strategisk forskning (in Danish)Altinget Debat

The foundation model as an ownership model in the Danish business sector

The basic view of the Lundbeck Foundation is that foundation ownership is a strong ownership model, combining long-term focus with active ownership and giving companies optimal conditions for developing their business and growing internationally. The foundation model is also a sustainable and attractive ownership model for the Danish society, since foundation ownership ensures that companies remain in Denmark – providing jobs, contributing knowledge and paying taxes. Foundation ownership can also be combined with other types of ownership, and the combination of foundation ownership and IPO is a particularly strong mix, promoting development and adding value. It ought therefore to be an obvious option for a company owner in the throes of ownership transfer.

The enterprise foundation model is an alternative to the private equity model, which with its short-term focus often results in sale of the company to enterprises abroad or the company being absorbed into one of the market’s major operators. Last but not least, the foundation model means that profits from activities are invested in projects or initiatives for the benefit of society.

UK Summary: The Kraka Report

Published about the Enterprise Foundation Model
06.07.2023The secret behind Denmark’s successBioCentury
29.06.2023Lene Skole: Uden nuancer kan der opstå myter og misforståelser om fondenes formål og bidrag (in Danish)Altinget Fonde
09.04.2023Den globale konkurrence kræver risikovillig kapital og innovativ dansk biotek (in Danish)Science Report
17.11.2022Direktør i Lundbeckfonden: Hvorfor er danske iværksættere ikke interesserede i erhvervsfondsmodellen? (in Danish)Altinget Erhverv




Other agendas

In addition to our main agendas, which are most important to us, we share responsibility in a range of other agendas – for example, diversity in research, health in Denmark, climate change and sustainability.

We evaluate our activities twice a year to ensure correlation between our goals and our funds.

If you have any questions or need further details, you are welcome to contact Margrethe Nabe-Nielsen, Head of Public Affairs, by writing to: or calling +45 28 55 57 29.


We work with our agendas in different ways, and we are happy to collaborate with, for instance, decision-makers, ministries, the academic research environment, other foundations and patient organisations. Being open about what we want to achieve by collaborating is a landmark by which we steer our working relationships. In our experience, this the best way to achieve our goal.