Scientific Enrichment Prize

The Lundbeck Foundation is establishing a new prize and call- better research through diversity

Scientific Enrichment Prize

With the new award, LF Scientific Enrichment Prize, the Lundbeck Foundation will celebrate individuals who have taken leadership to embrace and harness diversity to develop creative solutions to complex scientific problems and enrich scientific environments and culture in the biomedical, health and clinical fields.

Additionally, The Lundbeck Foundation is establishing a separate call to support diversity-promoting activities at the universities and hospitals.

A strong research environment requires that research integrates different approaches, methods and perspectives.

“Complex problems are best tackled through a range of different competencies and perspectives. We need greater diversity in research environments in order to establish the necessary breadth in the search for future solutions to health problems. Consequently, we intend to celebrate individuals who have taken leadership in the research world who actively have embraced diversity to promoted and produced good research. We view diversity in the broadest sense, including, methods, ways of working, technology, field of research, gender, and background etc.,” says Jan Egebjerg, Director of Science at the Lundbeck Foundation, and continues:

“It is often only the end results that are rewarded with research prizes. At the Lundbeck Foundation, we are now broadening our focus to also honour the efforts and processes that typically rarely are recognized, but are crucial for a thriving research environment.”

The LF Scientific Enrichment Prize will be awarded to an individual who takes or has taken leadership by integrating diversity to develop creative solutions to complex scientific problems and to enrich scientific environments and culture in the biomedical, health and clinical fields.

A panel of three representatives from both the academic research community and the business world, will assess the nominees and select a winner for the personal prize of DKK 100,000.

The panel consists of Marianne Thellersen, Senior Vice President of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at DTU, Professor Andreas Roepstorff, Head of the Interacting Minds Centre at Aarhus University, and Christina Aabo, owner of Aabo Energy and former Head of R&D at Ørsted.

Call to support diversity efforts

In addition, the Lundbeck Foundation is establishing a call to promote and reward diversity-promoting activities at the universities and hospitals. The call is intended to support institutes or research groups in integrating a diversity perspective into their work.

Lundbeck Foundation expects to allocate DKK 2 million to this call annually, with a maximum of DKK 500.000 per project. There will be two annual application deadlines.


Nominate candidates for the award

You can read more about the LF Scientific Enrichment Prize here – and get information on how to nominate candidates for the prize. The final date for receipt of nominations is 12 April 2022:

The purpose of the Lundbeck Foundation Scientific Enrichment Prize is to celebrate individuals who have taken leadership to embrace and harness diversity to develop creative solutions to complex scientific problems and to enrich scientific environments and culture in the biomedical, health and clinical fields.

You can read more about the Lundbeck Foundation’s Diversity call and apply for funding here.
The deadline for the first applications is 12 April 2022.